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So many lives in The Chosen community were one way and now they are completely different. And the thing that happened in between was the authentic Jesus. Come and read their stories of change.

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I want people to know they can be saved and their life can be different and they can actually have hope
My journey as a Christian began amidst adversity and danger. After converting to Christianity, my family and I faced severe threats in Tunisia, which led us to seek refuge in the Middle East. Here, I became part of the Lighthouse Arab World ministry, using media and art to spread the evangelical message. My life took a significant turn when my son introduced me to "The Chosen," a series depicting the life of Jesus. Watching it, I was immediately struck by its artistic depth, the stunning cinematography, and the powerful portrayal of characters, especially Matthew. It resonated deeply with me. "The Chosen" was more than just a series for me; it was a revelation. I saw my own experiences of rejection mirrored in Matthew's life, bringing a sense of connection and understanding. This spurred me and my team at Lighthouse in Egypt and Lebanon to embark on a significant mission: translating "The Chosen" into Arabic and other languages. We recognized its potential to reach hearts in a way few other things could, aiming to make it accessible in 100 languages. The impact of "The Chosen" on the youth across the Arab region has been extraordinary. In places like Beirut, Egypt, and Syria, young people, Christian and non-Christian alike, are experiencing Christ in a completely new light. They're engaging with a story that they've never understood so intimately before. Our work with "The Chosen" is not just about translation; it's about opening doors to new perspectives and hope. It's an opportunity to show God's love and salvation in a way that's relatable and transformative. This is why I'm so passionate about this project – it's more than a series, it's a tool for change, offering a new vision of hope and redemption to all who watch it.


's story

We see 'The Chosen' as a ministry with a reach beyond our own, and we're honored to support its mission. We offer our 'loaves and fishes', trusting God to magnify the impact.
We began 'The Chosen' in 2020, and while the initial episodes were engaging, it was the latter half of season one that truly captivated us. The moment Jesus calls Matthew was profoundly moving, bringing us all to tears. Inspired, we chose to contribute, hoping others might feel as deeply as we did. Our love for the show has only grown deeper since then. We appreciate how it brings the gospels to life in a real, meaningful, and relatable way. We see 'The Chosen' as a ministry with a reach beyond our own, and we're honored to support its mission. We offer our 'loaves and fishes', trusting God to magnify the impact.


's story

As a young college student stepping into adulthood, I've begun to understand the value of thoughtful decisions, especially when it comes to finances. My modest allowance comes from my parents, but I've realized that even if it's limited, I should use a portion for God's glory. "The Chosen" deeply resonated with me, and I felt compelled to contribute, however small the amount. I hope my heartfelt donation makes a difference. Blessings to you all 🙏🏼.


's story

The Chosen made Jesus and the Bible a lot more relatable to me, and my relationship with God Bible study especially) is so much better for it.
I am a screenwriter and filmmaker by profession. At the start of my career, I attended a screenwriting workshop pioneered by a mentor who is also a Christian. The Chosen (season one at the time) was used as a case study on storytelling peculiarities in comparison to other Bible-adapted film and TV projects. The first thing that struck me was the poster - a photo of Jesus (Jonathan Roumie) smiling. I'm not sure why, but I had never imagined before then that Jesus was someone who smiled. I also hadn't seen anything like that in any of the other Bible-adapted productions I'd watched. I knew Jesus was 100% human on earth, but seeing that photo made me realize I hadn't really understood what it meant. It also made me realize that I had placed God in this cordial place of rulership, and there was a whole other dimension of a relationship that I hadn't come in contact with. All of this from a poster. I was hooked already, even before I saw a single episode. Episode one was the cherry on top, and I've followed every episode and season since then. I think my friends and colleagues are probably tired of hearing me talk about the show. The Chosen made Jesus and the Bible a lot more relatable to me, and my relationship with God Bible study especially) is so much better for it. Thank you.


's story

'The Chosen' brought me hope and a sense of God's love during my darkest hours. I'm profoundly grateful for it.
I'm a hospital chaplain and, despite my passion for the job, chaplaincy during COVID was heart-wrenching, with people passing away isolated from their families. I felt overwhelmed until, on one Sunday, three individuals recommended 'The Chosen'. I watched the first three episodes that very night and now view one daily. 'The Chosen' brought me hope and a sense of God's love during my darkest hours. I'm profoundly grateful for it. Thank you!


's story

In 2022, I began a relationship and unintentionally shifted my focus from God to her. After unknowingly upsetting her, she distanced herself, and that really brought me down. I felt like there was a great storm around me and I was all alone. Watching 'The Chosen', I deeply related to Peter in the episode where Jesus walks on water. Peter's confusion, anger, and his plea, "hold me Lord," as he began to sink, mirrored my emotions. It reminded me that, even in my lowest moments, Jesus never lets go. God is using The Chosen, and it's clear! He's used it in my life and will use it in many others!


's story

My journey is simple. I've known the Lord since I was 8 and always upheld the teachings of my parents, including tithing. However, a decade ago, when my pastor retired and sold our church, I felt a deep sense of betrayal. Our congregation was disbanded, and I felt used. My foundational church's shift towards a more inclusive approach further distanced me. Then, I discovered 'The Chosen' on Facebook. From the first episode, I was captivated. When Jesus called out to Mary of Magdala, I felt He was speaking to me, and it moved me deeply. While I haven't found a new church, I've chosen to support 'The Chosen' with my tithes. My hope is that this series transforms others, regardless of their journey.


's story

I'm grateful to have the opportunity to help share the Jesus that I love with others! I view this as an evangelistic outreach and my small part helps the bigger picture of saving souls.


's story

I believe that The Chosen is a tool being used by the Holy Spirit to proclaim the Good News of God’s Kingdom to all nations.
In 1976, as a lost young woman, I had a profound encounter with the Holy Spirit and found Jesus. Since then, I've been attuned to His presence. Watching 'The Chosen', I felt that familiar touch of the Spirit, especially when Jesus recognized Mary. I believe that The Chosen is a tool being used by the Holy Spirit to proclaim the Good News of God’s Kingdom to all nations. This is why I am a fan of The Chosen and that’s why I choose to support Come and See.


's story