To my surprise, I was instantly hooked. My friends now joke that I could be a marketer for the show, given my newfound passion for it!

I remember hearing some actors from Chosen doing readings on the Hallow app during Christmas. I've always been skeptical about Christian shows and movies, assuming they were cheesy with poor acting. But then, both Netflix and Amazon Prime kept recommending it. So, I decided to give it a shot, just one episode. To my surprise, I was instantly hooked. My friends now joke that I could be a marketer for the show, given my newfound passion for it! I'm currently on my third round of watching it and even participating in a Bible study alongside.
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The Chosen had such a profound effect on me that I wanted to be a part of this incredible production and help spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
Before the first season of The Chosen, more than 4 years ago, I watched the Christmas story of The Shepperd. It had such a profound effect on me that I wanted to be a part of this incredible production and help spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ. I am thrilled to see every episode of The Chosen, over and over again. God bless you all! Thank You!!
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Before the first season of The Chosen, more than 4 years ago, I watched the Christmas story of The Shepperd. It had such a profound effect on me that I wanted to be a part of this incredible production and help spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ. I am thrilled to see every episode of The Chosen, over and over again. God bless you all! Thank You!!
The Chosen had such a profound effect on me that I wanted to be a part of this incredible production and help spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
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I believe that The Chosen is a tool being used by the Holy Spirit to proclaim the Good News of God’s Kingdom to all nations.
In 1976, as a lost young woman, I had a profound encounter with the Holy Spirit and found Jesus. Since then, I've been attuned to His presence. Watching 'The Chosen', I felt that familiar touch of the Spirit, especially when Jesus recognized Mary. I believe that The Chosen is a tool being used by the Holy Spirit to proclaim the Good News of God’s Kingdom to all nations. This is why I am a fan of The Chosen and that’s why I choose to support Come and See.
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's story
In 1976, as a lost young woman, I had a profound encounter with the Holy Spirit and found Jesus. Since then, I've been attuned to His presence. Watching 'The Chosen', I felt that familiar touch of the Spirit, especially when Jesus recognized Mary. I believe that The Chosen is a tool being used by the Holy Spirit to proclaim the Good News of God’s Kingdom to all nations. This is why I am a fan of The Chosen and that’s why I choose to support Come and See.
I believe that The Chosen is a tool being used by the Holy Spirit to proclaim the Good News of God’s Kingdom to all nations.
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I have a 10 year old son who was recently diagnosed with Autism. I have hope, pride and a grateful heart…but still, in the very depths of my heart, was the fear: “How can he serve you if He doesn’t understand the concept of an unseen Father?” I prayed and God answered. I gave The Chosen a chance. Once we realized that Matthew’s character was autistic, I fell on my knees and wept for maybe an hour. Seeing Jesus telling Simon “get used to different” still brings tears of joy. Jesus saw Matthew’s value. He understood he was different but not less useful than his other disciples. But the most important lesson was that Matthew had the capacity to love and willingly gave his life to Jesus on his own accord. Every episode felt like God Himself telling me, “look! I will work through your son, and he is no different than my other sheep. Your son not only will be able to know but love Me and serve Me in ways you cannot imagine”. I see the correlation between making Matthew’s character autistic and a tax collector, but I felt God inspired it on purpose so I could see how far He can take my son. My son’s name is Mattias, the Hebrew version of Matthew. My son not only understands that Matthew in The Chosen is like him, but he willingly came to us to get baptized and accept Jesus into his heart. Our pastors and I asked him if he understood what it means: he knew Jesus for sure. Not only did he get baptized but he recently wrote in his closet door “God is good”, stating that he feels God in his room with him. You have NO IDEA how much the show helped my husband and I to know and understand that our Matthew, is loved, has purpose and will grow into the man of God, we know he will be. I’m sure the Holy Spirit is working overtime inspiring the writers, the cast, and everyone involved. Thank you for being a vessel, for being a beacon of light and hope! The world will get used to different.
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I have a 10 year old son who was recently diagnosed with Autism. I have hope, pride and a grateful heart…but still, in the very depths of my heart, was the fear: “How can he serve you if He doesn’t understand the concept of an unseen Father?” I prayed and God answered. I gave The Chosen a chance. Once we realized that Matthew’s character was autistic, I fell on my knees and wept for maybe an hour. Seeing Jesus telling Simon “get used to different” still brings tears of joy. Jesus saw Matthew’s value. He understood he was different but not less useful than his other disciples. But the most important lesson was that Matthew had the capacity to love and willingly gave his life to Jesus on his own accord. Every episode felt like God Himself telling me, “look! I will work through your son, and he is no different than my other sheep. Your son not only will be able to know but love Me and serve Me in ways you cannot imagine”. I see the correlation between making Matthew’s character autistic and a tax collector, but I felt God inspired it on purpose so I could see how far He can take my son. My son’s name is Mattias, the Hebrew version of Matthew. My son not only understands that Matthew in The Chosen is like him, but he willingly came to us to get baptized and accept Jesus into his heart. Our pastors and I asked him if he understood what it means: he knew Jesus for sure. Not only did he get baptized but he recently wrote in his closet door “God is good”, stating that he feels God in his room with him. You have NO IDEA how much the show helped my husband and I to know and understand that our Matthew, is loved, has purpose and will grow into the man of God, we know he will be. I’m sure the Holy Spirit is working overtime inspiring the writers, the cast, and everyone involved. Thank you for being a vessel, for being a beacon of light and hope! The world will get used to different.
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To know Jesus is there for us, even when we're at the end of our rope, continues to amaze me. The Chosen has been a wonderful part of my new life as a Christian.
I grew up Catholic, but my connection with God was never strong. Life always took precedence. However, a series of events completely changed that. First, I lost my dad, which was incredibly difficult. Then, a year and a half later, my mom was diagnosed with terminal brain cancer. It was unbelievable and devastating. The doctors gave her three months to live, but she managed to survive for five and a half years. Those years were incredibly tough to witness. She suffered immensely. During that time, I was also dealing with my youngest child's battle with an eating disorder. It was so severe that we had to send her out of state for treatment. Meanwhile, both my daughter and I were diagnosed with the same genetic disease that took my father's life: Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy. On top of that, I was diagnosed with Polyposis, which means I have a high risk of developing certain cancers. Needless to say, I was completely overwhelmed. Fast forward to St. Patrick's Day 2022, when I lost my brave mother. Just as she passed away, my daughter returned home from the treatment center, supposedly cured of her bulimia. However, a few weeks later, she overdosed on alcohol and ended up in the ICU for four days. Although her bulimia was cured, her anxiety and major depression were left unaddressed. Thankfully, she survived without any brain damage. My husband and I dedicated ourselves to getting her the help she needed for her anxiety and depression. In August, I had to undergo surgery for another medical issue. During my recovery, lying in bed, I felt completely done. I had always been a fighter, always taking care of everyone, but I had reached my limit. It was at that moment that I heard a voice, and I knew exactly who it was. It said, "Stacey, I'm here." That was my turning point. As I recovered, hope returned to my life. For the first time in my 51 years, I started reading the Bible and actually understanding it. I felt guided to reach out to people, including my father's cousin, who has been instrumental in my spiritual journey. It was through him and his wife that I discovered the show, The Chosen. I watched the first episode featuring Mary Magdalene, and her story resonated deeply with me. To know that Jesus is there for us, even when we're at the end of our rope, continues to amaze me. I've watched The Chosen four times now. I've been baptized, started a Bible study group, and we've gone through Seasons 1 and 2 of The Chosen. We're eagerly awaiting Season 3 in September 2020. The best part is that my daughter is doing incredibly well. She's now a freshman in college, majoring in psychology to help others with eating disorders. In July, we even had the opportunity to travel to Goshen, UT, and be extras for the Season 4 Finale of The Chosen. I can't express how much I love this show and how I've been sharing it with everyone. It has truly become a wonderful part of my new life as a Christian.
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's story
I grew up Catholic, but my connection with God was never strong. Life always took precedence. However, a series of events completely changed that. First, I lost my dad, which was incredibly difficult. Then, a year and a half later, my mom was diagnosed with terminal brain cancer. It was unbelievable and devastating. The doctors gave her three months to live, but she managed to survive for five and a half years. Those years were incredibly tough to witness. She suffered immensely. During that time, I was also dealing with my youngest child's battle with an eating disorder. It was so severe that we had to send her out of state for treatment. Meanwhile, both my daughter and I were diagnosed with the same genetic disease that took my father's life: Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy. On top of that, I was diagnosed with Polyposis, which means I have a high risk of developing certain cancers. Needless to say, I was completely overwhelmed. Fast forward to St. Patrick's Day 2022, when I lost my brave mother. Just as she passed away, my daughter returned home from the treatment center, supposedly cured of her bulimia. However, a few weeks later, she overdosed on alcohol and ended up in the ICU for four days. Although her bulimia was cured, her anxiety and major depression were left unaddressed. Thankfully, she survived without any brain damage. My husband and I dedicated ourselves to getting her the help she needed for her anxiety and depression. In August, I had to undergo surgery for another medical issue. During my recovery, lying in bed, I felt completely done. I had always been a fighter, always taking care of everyone, but I had reached my limit. It was at that moment that I heard a voice, and I knew exactly who it was. It said, "Stacey, I'm here." That was my turning point. As I recovered, hope returned to my life. For the first time in my 51 years, I started reading the Bible and actually understanding it. I felt guided to reach out to people, including my father's cousin, who has been instrumental in my spiritual journey. It was through him and his wife that I discovered the show, The Chosen. I watched the first episode featuring Mary Magdalene, and her story resonated deeply with me. To know that Jesus is there for us, even when we're at the end of our rope, continues to amaze me. I've watched The Chosen four times now. I've been baptized, started a Bible study group, and we've gone through Seasons 1 and 2 of The Chosen. We're eagerly awaiting Season 3 in September 2020. The best part is that my daughter is doing incredibly well. She's now a freshman in college, majoring in psychology to help others with eating disorders. In July, we even had the opportunity to travel to Goshen, UT, and be extras for the Season 4 Finale of The Chosen. I can't express how much I love this show and how I've been sharing it with everyone. It has truly become a wonderful part of my new life as a Christian.
To know Jesus is there for us, even when we're at the end of our rope, continues to amaze me. The Chosen has been a wonderful part of my new life as a Christian.
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The Chosen became my beacon of hope, offering a renewed perspective on life, God, and Jesus during my darkest hours.
Hello, I'm Josie, a 30-year-old woman from São Gabriel do Oeste, a city nestled in the heart of Brazil. I first encountered The Chosen in 2021, a few months after my father, my rock, succumbed to cancer. His loss left me adrift, searching for something to anchor me. That's when The Chosen came into my life. I was immediately captivated by the series, which portrayed Jesus in a way I'd never seen before - as a human, relatable and real. It was through this depiction that I began to grasp why He had called me. Fast forward to the start of this year, I found myself revisiting the three seasons of The Chosen. This was after a period of self-isolation from church and surviving two suicide attempts. Watching the series again, I found a renewed perspective on life, God, and Jesus. I won't pretend that everything is perfect now. I still grapple with depression, but I'm learning to cope, to keep moving forward. The Chosen has been a beacon of hope in my life, a testament to the power of faith. I'm grateful for the work they do. May God bless them.
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's story
Hello, I'm Josie, a 30-year-old woman from São Gabriel do Oeste, a city nestled in the heart of Brazil. I first encountered The Chosen in 2021, a few months after my father, my rock, succumbed to cancer. His loss left me adrift, searching for something to anchor me. That's when The Chosen came into my life. I was immediately captivated by the series, which portrayed Jesus in a way I'd never seen before - as a human, relatable and real. It was through this depiction that I began to grasp why He had called me. Fast forward to the start of this year, I found myself revisiting the three seasons of The Chosen. This was after a period of self-isolation from church and surviving two suicide attempts. Watching the series again, I found a renewed perspective on life, God, and Jesus. I won't pretend that everything is perfect now. I still grapple with depression, but I'm learning to cope, to keep moving forward. The Chosen has been a beacon of hope in my life, a testament to the power of faith. I'm grateful for the work they do. May God bless them.
The Chosen became my beacon of hope, offering a renewed perspective on life, God, and Jesus during my darkest hours.
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It's as if I used to read the Bible in black and white, but now it's vivid with color.
For 40 years, I've tried to follow Jesus. Though I identify with Peter's fiery temperament, the other figures always felt distant to me. However, when I watched the miracle of the fish, I felt like I was there, experiencing it all. That moment transformed my understanding and drew me closer to Jesus and other Bible stories. It's as if I used to read the Bible in black and white, but now it's vivid with color.
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's story
For 40 years, I've tried to follow Jesus. Though I identify with Peter's fiery temperament, the other figures always felt distant to me. However, when I watched the miracle of the fish, I felt like I was there, experiencing it all. That moment transformed my understanding and drew me closer to Jesus and other Bible stories. It's as if I used to read the Bible in black and white, but now it's vivid with color.
It's as if I used to read the Bible in black and white, but now it's vivid with color.
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