They Must Know

Pray with us: In a time of darkness, let The Chosen ignite hearts with the enduring love and peace of Jesus.

Stan Jantz
December 13, 2023

Dear Prayer Crew,

If ever there was a time to pray, it’s now. Our world is in a dark and desperate place, with ongoing conflict in so many places and between so many people. We need to pray for peace, but most of all, we need to pray that people would experience the love of Jesus.

As a member of the Come and See Prayer Crew, you have a special calling and privilege to pray for people to meet Jesus, and there’s no better time than now. Here’s what John, one of The Chosen, who composed the Gospel that bears his name, wrote in his letter to the early church:

“God showed how much he loved us by sending his one and only Son into the world so that we might have eternal life through him.” – 1 John 4:9. 

Showing how much he loves us isn’t a complicated dilemma for God: love is who God is, and love is what God does. The ultimate expression of God’s love was sending Jesus into the world. Rather than blaming God for the problems in the world, we respond in gratitude for providing a solution to our problems—a solution born out of love. A solution provided through Christ, born to humble beginnings in a dirty manger and destined to be Lord of all creation. 

Thank you for joining the Come and See’s Prayer Crew! As a member, you play a critical role as you pray for people to know the powerful story of Jesus--a story of light in the darkness. In the short film, The Shepherd, produced by Dallas Jenkins before he began writing, directing, and producing The Chosen, the key message is very simple: People must know. That’s what Joseph told the shepherds when they followed the light and found Mary, Joseph, and Jesus in the cramped stable. People must know.

Right now, you can pray that people will experience the authentic Jesus by watching The Chosen. Whether they start from the beginning of Season One, or watched “Christmas with The Chosen: Holy Night,” they will see a beautiful, intimate, authentic, and accurate portrayal of Jesus and his love for people, no matter who they are or where they come from.

Hundreds of years before Jesus was born, the prophet Isaiah wrote these words about Jesus, who would be the light of the world: “The people walking in darkness have seen a great light” Isaiah 9:2. During this beautiful Christmas and holiday season, would you pray that people would see Jesus, the light of the world?

And as you reflect on the light of Jesus in a dark world, pray that you would not be distracted by the busyness of life but would be attentive to what truly matters. Pray that people would become aware of God’s presence through The Chosen, through the Bible, or through a church service. Pray for peace in all situations, whether between nations, families, or people. And pray that people would know the love of God as expressed through Jesus.

At Come and See, that is our prayer for the world. That is our prayer for you.

Stan Jantz


Come and See Foundation

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As Chief Executive Officer, Stan Jantz leads Come and See in its mission to share the authentic Jesus with 1 billion people. After serving as president of one of the nation’s largest Christian bookstores, Stan began a writing career that has produced 75 books with more than 4 million copies sold. His latest title, released in 2024, is Ten Essentials for New Christians.